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  • Reliable and assured delivery!
    International freight transport with destinations from the Czech Republic, Hungary,
    Slovakia, Austria to the EU and back, with a focus on Denmark, Germany and Benelux.
  • Reliable and assured delivery!
    International freight transport with destinations from the Czech Republic, Hungary,
    Slovakia, Austria to the EU and back, with a focus on Denmark, Germany and Benelux.

Transport to Germany and Denmark

Are you looking for a reliable and quality service to increase your cargo’s safety? Then you are in the right place! Years of experience on the international market, knowledge of the languages of destination countries and a pro-customer approach are among the inherent qualities of our services that guarantee on-time and trouble-free delivery of all kinds of consignments. Our team specialises in transport to Germany and Denmark in particular, using regularly replaced and modernised, environmentally friendly vehicles. Our experienced employees are always happy to help and ensure that care and attention is paid to your goods at all times. We provide free advice on logistics, including quotations and a specific transport design. What we agree on, we stick to!

We specialise in transport to and from Denmark and Germany. We also offer international basic transport to/from destinations like: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, EU.
Arranging express transport by smaller vehicles: EXPRESS TRANSPORT
Flexible, safe and fast execution and transport delivery in accordance with the customer's wishes.
Customer-oriented company policy and our employee’s flexibility supported by foreign experience.
Seamless communication and correspondence in foreign languages.
Canvas semi-trailers for transporting complete shipments and deliveries, as well as transporting dangerous – ADR goods, dump trucks for transporting bulk materials and agricultural products (fertilisers, iron scrap, coal…).
Reliable, safe and above all guaranteed delivery of your goods to their destination.
Goods are covered by CMR insurance and the shipment is monitored throughout their transport.
Highly convenient shipping options and extremely competitive prices tailored to suit your needs.
Non-stop contact line: +421 911 123571




Freight transport to
Germany and Denmark

from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, Austria to the EU
and back, with a focus on Denmark and Germany.



We are aware of the extent of the public transport burden on our environment, which is why we are paying greater attention to the introduction of environmentally friendly vehicles.

Sector-specific solutions

The EUROKIDS spol. Organisation provides solutions for international companies, as well as smaller companies within Europe.


Consumer goods

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